US: AP analysis: COVID prolonged foster care stays for thousands
US: AP analysis: COVID prolonged foster care stays for thousands Associated Press - June 08, 2021 The AP's analysis found at least 8,700 fewer reunifications during the early months of the pandemic compared with the March-to-December period the year before -- a decrease of 16%. Adoptions, too, … [Read more...]
US: A New Plan to Help Foster Youth Achieve Independence (Press release)
US: A New Plan to Help Foster Youth Achieve Independence (Press release) Gen Justice and the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity (FREOPP). - June 08, 2021 Imagine leaving home on your 18th birthday with no family or safety net. What would you do when the rent is due, the fridge is bare or … [Read more...]
US: Submission for OMB Review; Evaluation of Project Connect (New Collection) (Press release)
US: Submission for OMB Review; Evaluation of Project Connect (New Collection) (Press release) US Administration for Children and Families - June 08, 2021 The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is proposing a new information … [Read more...]
US: ‘We won’t forget the about children’ (Opinion)
US: 'We won't forget the about children' (Opinion) Indian Country Today - June 06, 2021 For many Indigenous people, however, the most shocking element of the story is not the discovery of the graves but the fact that it's taken so long for non-Natives to acknowledge the grim details of this … [Read more...]
Canada: Commons passes motion urging feds to drop court actions involving First Nations kids
Canada: Commons passes motion urging feds to drop court actions involving First Nations kids Express Informer - June 07, 2021 MPs from all parties have joined New Democrats in calling on the federal government to drop its legal battles against a pair of rulings involving First Nations children. In … [Read more...]
NY: Expand Support for Families, But Not Inside the Child Welfare System (Opinion)
NY: Expand Support for Families, But Not Inside the Child Welfare System (Opinion) Imprint - June 04, 2021 Mayor Bill de Blasio's recent announcement that New York City will invest millions in "family enrichment centers" sounds like a win for families. But this initiative should be reconsidered, … [Read more...]
NY: More than a dozen women across the US say a New York Christian camp leader abused them
NY: More than a dozen women across the US say a New York Christian camp leader abused them USA Today Network - June 04, 2021 A USA Today Network investigation found that Aarum, 55, touched at least 16 teenage girls inappropriately, some on multiple occasions, according to their firsthand accounts. … [Read more...]
PA: Erie County Office of Children & Youth to hire 29 people to meet new state mandate (Includes video)
PA: Erie County Office of Children & Youth to hire 29 people to meet new state mandate (Includes video) Erie Times-News - June 04, 2021 New guidance from the Pennsylvania Office of Children & Youth now requires county agencies to give more attention to lower-level cases that might … [Read more...]
PA: Former Philadelphia Family Court Judge Suspended for ‘Blatant and Inexcusable’ Conduct That Wreaked ‘Havoc’ on Litigants
PA: Former Philadelphia Family Court Judge Suspended for 'Blatant and Inexcusable' Conduct That Wreaked 'Havoc' on Litigants Law & Crime - June 04, 2021 A Philadelphia Family Court judge was suspended for six months without pay after a state disciplinary tribunal issued an opinion concluding … [Read more...]
PA: Recipients, creators of Penn State scholarship discuss racial disparities in child welfare system (Includes video)
PA: Recipients, creators of Penn State scholarship discuss racial disparities in child welfare system (Includes video) Daily Collegian (Penn State) - June 04, 2021 Within the field of child welfare, many report racial disparities and inequities in the system -- a new annual Penn State scholarship … [Read more...]