Australia: NSW government faces legal action for ‘turning a blind eye’ to alleged child sex abuse on Aboriginal reserve (Includes video)
Australia: NSW government faces legal action for 'turning a blind eye' to alleged child sex abuse on Aboriginal reserve (Includes video) Australian Broadcasting Corporation - June 03, 2021 The abuse allegedly occurred on a reserve where Lois lived with her large, extended family in northern New … [Read more...]
Canada: ‘No more crocodile tears’: Residential school survivor demands action from feds (Includes video)
Canada: 'No more crocodile tears': Residential school survivor demands action from feds (Includes video) Global News - June 03, 2021 Korkmaz said that survivors like herself have known that children's remains were buried across Canada even before 215 bodies were found last week at the site of a … [Read more...]
NY: NYC students in foster care need dedicated office and guaranteed busing, advocates sayChalkbeat
NY: NYC students in foster care need dedicated office and guaranteed busing, advocates sayChalkbeat New York - June 01, 2021Three dozen advocacy and child welfare organizations are asking Mayor Bill de Blasio to pump $6.5 million into support and services for students in foster care, in time for … [Read more...]
Canada: Ontario releases Pathways to Safety plan in response to MMIWG inquiry
Canada: Ontario releases Pathways to Safety plan in response to MMIWG inquiry CBC News - May 27, 2021 Two years after the national inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG) released its final report, the Ontario government has announced its strategy to address critical … [Read more...]
International: Child marriage and domestic violence: what we found in 16 African countries
International: Child marriage and domestic violence: what we found in 16 African countries Conversation - June 01, 2021 The number of girls who marry before their 15th birthday has remained unchanged for 20 years in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa. The region has the highest rate of child … [Read more...]
US: Senators Push Biden Administration to Aid Transitional Foster Youth
US: Senators Push Biden Administration to Aid Transitional Foster Youth Imprint - June 02, 2021 A group of mostly Democratic senators is calling on the Biden administration to prioritize helping out transition-age foster youth, whose health and well-being took a severe hit during the coronavirus … [Read more...]
US: Children and Teens Struggling with Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic
US: Children and Teens Struggling with Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic JAMA Health Forum - June 01, 2021 For many US children and adolescents, disruptions and challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic have exacted a considerable toll on their emotional and mental health, according to an … [Read more...]
US: Parenting Adolescents and the Power of Saying “No” (Commentary)
US: Parenting Adolescents and the Power of Saying "No" (Commentary) Psychology Today - June 01, 2021 "No" is a powerful, limit-setting word that protects self-interest in relationships. Without the capacity to say "no," a young person's wellbeing can be unguarded. "No" is every person's primary … [Read more...]
Canada: Child and Youth Advocate Releases Status Report on Recommendations (Press release)
Canada: Child and Youth Advocate Releases Status Report on Recommendations (Press release) Newfoundland and Labrador, Office of the Child and Youth Advocate - June 01, 2021 The Office of the Child and Youth Advocate has released the 2019-20 Status Report on Recommendations. This is prepared … [Read more...]
International: Ending child marriage: Does raising minimum age requirements for marriage work? (Opinion)
International: Ending child marriage: Does raising minimum age requirements for marriage work? (Opinion) Toronto Star - June 02, 2021 Marriage before the age of 18 is recognized by the United Nations as a fundamental violation of human rights. Currently, about 12 million of the world's children … [Read more...]