The following two groups are being offered online, using the Zoom platform:
NAMI Family Support Group
A 60 minute support group for adult friends and family members (18+) of people with mental health conditions. Participants gain the support of peers who understand their experience and gain insight into others’ challenges and successes.
Support groups include:
NAMI Family Support Group
NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group
LGBTQ +NAMI Connection Support Group
Asyles/Refugees NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group
Sibling Support Group
Spouse/Partner Support Group
Family with a Loved One Who is in/Has been in State Hospital Support Group.
For details visit https://www.naminj.org/online-support-groups/

Virtual Calendar for Free & Public Support Groups, in response to COVID-19, by The Mental Health Association in NJ (MHANJ), New Jersey Hope and Healing
Sponsored by The Mental Health Association in New Jersey in collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Human Services’ Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Disaster and Terrorism Branch, is offering a Crisis Counseling Program (CCP) through a (FEMA/SAMHSA) grant.
For more information, please visit https://www.mhanj.org/njhopeandhealing/

The mission of the Attachment and Trauma network is to promote healing of children impacted by trauma through supporting their families, schools, and communities.

Center For Family Services offers a comprehensive continuum of care and a broad range of services to best meet the current and changing needs across the New Jersey community including Addiction and Recovery, Community Connections and Counseling and Behavioral Health. Contact the agency for a list of their on-line support groups at:

The Family Resource Network offers online webinars to bring you information and education – on your time, at your convenience.Webinar topics include Anxiety, Autism, Developmental Disabilities, and Epilepsy.
For more information on The Family Resource Network, visit https://www.familyresourcenetwork.org/

Parents of Young Children Support Group: ONLINE
Population Served: Free Support Group for Adoptive Parents raising young children with adverse childhood experiences or with difficult past histories. Please join us for this educational and supportive group for parents of adopted kids ages 1 to 12.
Currently offered 3rd Wednesday of each month, 8:30 – 9:30 pm.
For more information visit: https://affcny.org/adoption-foster-events-ny/parents-of-young-children-online-support-group
The Center for Adoption and Support Education (CASE) Events and Support Groups
Visit C.A.S.E.’s new event calendar at that includes upcoming webinars, support groups, lectures, trainings and more at Upcoming Events – C.A.S.E. – Nurture, Inspire, Empower (adoptionsupport.org)
The Parent Support Groups
Holt offers support and education as well as virtual support groups. Support groups include: Preschool Group, School-Aged group and Teen groups. Sessions start in January 2023. For more information visit: https://www.holtinternational.org/post-adoption/parent-support-clubs/
The Parent Support Group- Winter 2022
Presented by Holt’s Post Adoption Coaching & Education (PACE)
Holt’s Post Adoption Coaching & Education (PACE) program
All parents encounter challenges as their children grow up. And sometimes, issues may arise that leave you uncertain as to how best to respond — but not every issue requires therapy or counseling. The PACE program is here to help during those times.
Through Holt’s PACE program, you and your family will work one on one with an trauma-informed, adoption-competent Holt professional over three sessions to identify strategies, tools and resources that will help address the specific issue or issues you and your child are struggling with.
For more information visit: https://www.holtinternational.org/post-adoption/pace/
Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E. Serves Families
Families formed through adoption, kinship and foster care face unique challenges. It is not always obvious that an issue you may be experiencing yourself or with your child may or may not be related to adoption. That’s where we come in. C.A.S.E.’s highly trained adoption-competent therapists work with birth, foster and adoptive families. We have knowledge, clinical skills and experience in treating individuals with a history of trauma including abuse and neglect.
For more information visit: Upcoming Events – C.A.S.E. – Nurture, Inspire, Empower (adoptionsupport.org)
Postpartum Support International
Postpartum Support International provides free on-line support for any parent/caregiver struggling with postpartum issues, the transition to parenthood, grief, loss of a child in the NICU, as well as adoptive and birth parents, LGBTQ and other populations. Helpline is: 1-800-994-4773. Text in English is 800-994-4773 and Text in Spanish is 971-203-7773.
HelpLine does not handle emergencies. People in crisis should call their local emergency number or the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
For more information visit: https://www.postpartum.net/get-help/psi-online-support-meetings/
Pact an adoption alliance
Pact’s mission is to serve adopted children of color. In every case, the child is always their primary client. In order to best serve children’s needs, they provide not only adoptive placement but lifelong education, support, and community for adoptees and their families on issues of adoption and race. Pact offers a broad range of learning opportunities lets by Pact staff as well as other experts in the field. To view their list of webinars and virtual support groups please visit: https://www.pactadopt.org/events/index.asp
For more information on PACT visit: https://pactadopt.org/

Join this fall’s groups for adult adoptees!
A safe, supportive, and compassionate virtual space to get to know your adoptee self better!
For more information please visit https://growbeyondwords.com/
Connecting with other adoptees can be difficult, especially when you might not live in an area with a lot of other adoptive families. Dillon also understands how important it is to make connections with others that have similar experiences. For more information please visit:
The Center for Adoption and Support Education (CASE) Events and Support Groups
Visit C.A.S.E.’s new event calendar at that includes upcoming webinars, support groups, lectures, trainings and more at Upcoming Events – C.A.S.E. – Nurture, Inspire, Empower (adoptionsupport.org)
A Support Group for Parents in Racially Diverse Families: Supporting Transracial adoptive and foster parents : Starting the 3rd Wednesday of each month, starting April 17, 2024 | 7:00-8:30pm EST . A one-time payment of $25 provides lifetime access to the support group.
This virtual support group will provide a space where interracial adoptive parents of children (and adults) of all ages can share their experiences about parenting children of a different race, while fostering a sense of community. Without the support of their parents, interracial adoptees are at a disadvantage. However, sometimes, it can be hard for parents to know what is going on with their children and when to step up, step back, or take a different route entirely. This support group offers a free-flowing environment where participants can share anything relevant to the discussion surrounding their families. For more information and register please visit: https://adoptionsupport.org/resource/event/support-group-a-support-group-for-parents-in-racially-diverse-families/