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Adopting the Hurt Child
"This book is filled with relevant, timely, and specific information for adoptive parents: How are children damaged? What are the age-specific problems, and mos... more
Adopting the Older Child
"Hundreds of thousands of children in this country are without permanent homes right now, waiting in foster homes and institutions for families who could adopt ... more
A commentary on the status of adoption in the 90s. Gives a brief history of the last 150 years & highlights of the field today, with current court decisions... more
Adoption — Current Issues and Trends
Against the backdrop of shifting adoptive patterns, this book makes a timely appearance in child welfare literature. Contributed to by eminent teachers, pract... more
Adoption & Disruption
With a focus on optimizing the potential of older child adoption as a key element in child welfare services, this book analyzes the personal and social economy ... more
Adoption & Ethics Vol.1
There are many unresolved questions related to the role of race, culture, and national origin in an adoptee's personal identity and the extent to which racial a... more
Adoption & Prenatal Alcohol and Drug Exposure
This book addresses many important issues about adoption and substance exposure in utero, including the impact on children's early well being as well as on long... more
Adoption and After
Thinking of adoption? This is a warm, sensitive, understanding, and informative book on the full process of adoption. Adoption has undergone vast changes ... more
Adoption and Loss
What becomes of women who give up their children for adoption? Why do so many adopted people feel such a strong desire to seek out their families of origin? In ... more