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A Time To Grieve
This book discusses the stages of grief and loss in a most compassionate way.
A Volcano in my Tummy
"Children often have problems with anger. Teachers and parents often have problems with anger. Why? Because we're afraid of anger. It may mean that someone is o... more
A Workbook about Taking Care of ME!
Victimization in childhood can take many forms including physical, verbal and emotional hurts, and it can happen to boys and girls of all ages and all religious... more
Abandoned at Birth: Searching for the Arms that Once Held Me
Adoption is often painted as a happy, inspirational act—a baby finds a family and lives happily ever after. But the truth is that adopted children experience ... more
ABC A Family Alphabet Book
Have fun with the kids, moms, dads, and pets in this delightful book that celebrates alternative families as it teaches young children the alphabet.
ABC FeelingsREVISED 1999
"To respect our feelings is one of the most important aspects of life. It is crucial to a solid self-esteem. It supports honesty, bonding and moral values. What... more
ABC, Adoption & Me
A book about adoption that celebrates the miracle of family and addresses the difficult issues as well. With charming, exuberant illustrations and a diverse rep... more
Abuso Sexual en la Infancia
Un problema que, por desgracia, es demasiado frecuente.
Cada noche y día en miles de hogares y a puerta cerrada, se comete uno de los más infames crímenes... more
Accessing Federal Adoption Subsidies After Legalization
"Accessing Federal Adoption Subsidies After Legalization" describes how recent changes in federal Title IV-E Adoption Assistance policies provide opportunities ... more
Achieving Permanency for Adolescents in Foster Care
"Some of our most challenging and rewarding clients to represent are adolescents. Not only are they survivors of abuse and/or neglect, but they often bring a mu... more