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Black is Brown is Tan
Momma is the color of chocolate milk and coffee pumpkin pie. Daddy is white, lighter than brown, but his face turns tomato red when he puffs and yells the child... more
Black Market Adoption
"For many people, nothing is more natural than wanting a child. And for those who cannot have their own, there has always been the option of adoption. The reali... more
Black Parenting Book, TheFIRST EDITION
This book is an excellent resource for parents and caregivers of black children during their first five years of life. Questions addressed are: How do I find a ... more
Black, White, Just Right!
A girl explains how her parents are different in color, have different tastes in art, food, and pets, and how she herself is different, too, but just right.
Blue Ridge
Twelve-year-old Denny, newly arrived in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia with his father, and coping with his mother's death as well as a new environment, di... more
Books That Build Character
Here is a family guide to classic novels, contemporary fiction, myths and legends, science fiction and fantasy, folktales, Bible stories, picture books, biograp... more
Booktalks and More
Inspire teenagers to read quality literature and help them explore issues relevant to their lives. This outstanding book offers motivational, ready-to-use bookt... more
Borya and the Burps
"Every year thousands of infants and toddlers are adopted to North America, Western Europe, Australia, and Israel from orphanages in the countries of Eastern Eu... more
Boy Talk
Drawing on an array of important research as well as on her extensive clinical experience, Mary Polce-Lynch convincingly illustrates the critical connection bet... more
Breastfeeding the Adopted BabyREVISED EDITION
"It is not a pre-requisite for a mother to experience a pregnancy to be able to breastfeed her baby. The natural process of a mother making milk for her baby is... more