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Birth is More Than Once
"Birth is More Than Once" was so completely engrossing and moving. It was the first book I'd read that brought the inner world, my world, of Korean adopted chil... more
Birth Marks
"This superb study of transracial adoption in the United States addresses profoundly vexing & divisive questions about the social, biological, cultural and ... more
Birth Mother
The courageous intimate story of America's first surrogate mother...and a compelling account of a woman's confrontation with a decision that changed... more
Birth Mother Trauma
Some birth mothers go into a prolonged mourning period that can last for years, following the relinquishment of a child to adoption. The suppression of the pain... more
“Birthmothers” presents intimate and stirring accounts of more than seventy women who surrendered babies for adoption. It follows their lives long-term, fro... more
"Birthmothers" presents intimate and stirring accounts of more than seventy women who surrendered babies for adoption. It follows their lives long-term, from di... more
Birthparent Grief
"Open adoption is often presented to birthparents as a way to lessen the grief of losing a child to adoption. Being able to see your child, and eventually devel... more
The Guide to Search and Reunion for Adoptees, Birthparents, and Adoptive Parents.
What happens when and ad... more
Black Baby White Hands
"July 15, 1968 - only three months after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., a Black baby becomes the first in the history of New Mexico to be adopted... more
Black Grandparents As Parents
Lenora Madison Poe, Ph.D., is a Licensed Marriage, Family, and Child Therapist at the West Coast Children's Center in Albany, California, with a private practic... more