US: President Biden Signs into Law Legislation to Strengthen Child Welfare System and Bolster Child Support Enforcement Efforts, Includes Moore-Led Proposals (Press release)
U.S. Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth – January 10, 2025
“As co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth, I know that helping our foster youth and foster families is so important. I am proud to have worked with colleagues to shape this legislation to improve the foster care system and assist state and tribal governments with child support enforcement. This law includes provisions I authorized on a bipartisan basis to ensure struggling families aren’t separated solely due to poverty. This has been a long time focus for me and many advocates, and I will continue to work to prevent inappropriate family separations. The bill also includes language I championed to support the provision of short-term funding to meet housing, food, transportation and other basic needs that can be critical to keeping families together. This bill also includes my proposal to ensure that in developing their foster care plans, states work with young people and families who have experience with the foster care system, so foster care policies can better reflect their lived experiences and the needs of those who are being served.