Free Adoption Mutual Consent Reunion Registry
For adoptees desiring a reunion with their birth family,
or to learn about their medical history and birth family genealogy.
For birth mothers & birth fathers & birth siblings & birth family members
desiring a reunion with the adoptee that was given up for adoption.
Or to give the adoptee their medical history or birth family genealogy.
Chinese Adoptee Links (CAL) International
Chinese Adoptee Links (G2-CAL) International ~ “Global Generations” was founded on February 14, 2007. Starting as a transatlantic pen-pal programme to connect adopted youth in different countries, G2-CAL (Global Girls) is the first global grassroots group created by and for the more than 150,000+ Chinese adoptees and friends living and growing up in 26+ countries and all continents. “ONE WORLD,” our global community blog, is a compilation of stories and articles from around the world, reflecting the diverse experiences of those adopted from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Macau, Malaysia and from around the globe. TO SHARE YOUR STORIES email Erin, One World’s webmaster, at
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption will dramatically increase the number of adoptions of waiting children from North America’s foster care systems.
National Adoption Center
The National Adoption Center expands adoption opportunities for children living in foster care throughout the United States, and is a resource to families and to agencies who seek the permanency of caring homes for children.
Understanding the Costs of Child Adoption
How to Grow Your Forever Family
Giving a child a “forever family” is every adoptive parent’s dream. To these prospective parents, no matter how many hoops there are to jump through, how much scrutiny one might face, and how long they have to wait, fulfilling the dream of parenthood is worth the sacrifice.
LGBTQ+ Financial Guide to Becoming a Parent
While the U.S. still has a way to go to achieve LGBTQ+ equality, some significant strides have been made, particularly when it comes to LGBTQ+ families.
In 2015, the U.S. Supreme court ruled that same-sex couples have the right to be legally married, and 300,000 same-sex couples have married since then. In a 2020 landmark decision, the court ruled that anti-discrimination laws in employment extend to LGBTQ+ people.
Adoptive Families
Adoptive Families, the award-winning national adoption magazine, is the leading adoption information source for families before, during, and after adoption.
Rainbow Kids
The internet’s central location for Adoption Information, International Adoptions, Special Needs Adoption, Adoption Articles and Waiting Child Photolistings.
Tapestry Books
Books about adoption and infertility.
”Lifetime’s Adoption Webinars
A FREE newsletter designed for parents and families interested in adoption; includes helpful hints and other advice provides a teleconferencing information system.
Adoption World Publishing
For over eighteen years we have been a trusted resource for the adoption life publications. We offer publications to assist you with the journey through the adoption and foster care process. Our Adoption Life Book products are used worldwide. Social workers, therapists, adoptive/foster families and their children enjoy our delightful adoption life books.
Regardless of where you fit into the scene, we likely have something affordable to help make your job a little easier and help you guide children through this process.
Adopt Shoppe
Unique gift ideas for children and families touched by adoption; includes books, jewelry, crafts, needlework and an online ordering system.
China Sprout
An online website specializing in Chinese cultural products and resources; could be a good place to find gifts for children adopted from China.
Heartbeat Designs
Fine jewelry specially designed to support needy causes; includes interesting items related to adoption.
Helpusadopt is a national non-profit 501(c)(3) financial assistance grant program providing qualified couples and individuals -regardless of race, ethnicity, marital status, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability- with grants of up to $20,000 towards their domestic, international, foster, or special needs adoption expenses.
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
The National Resources on ADHD
Information about Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.
New Jersey Parents’ Caucus
New Jersey Parents’ Caucus, Inc.; a coalition of families working for families with children that have special emotional and behavioral needs.
The Balanced Mind Parent Network
The Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation improves the lives of families raising children and teens living with bipolar disorder and related conditions.
Recovery Connection
Recovery Connection is the ultimate addiction recovery resource portal for information on the latest treatments, centers, and programs. Whether you’re looking for treatment or for aftercare options, we can point you in the right direction
Concerned United Birthparents
CUB provides support for all family members separated by adoption; resources to help prevent unnecessary family separations; education about the life-long impact on all who are affected by adoption; and advocates for fair and ethical adoption laws, policies, and practices.
A temporary lack of resources – not a lack of love – is often the reason birthparents surrender their parental rights. If parents are unable to raise their children, they should have a say in who will. Denying loving parents knowledge of their children, even when those children become adults, is a cruel and unnecessary punishment that causes suffering for all. A severing of parental rights does not cut off a parent’s love.
Adoption Registry
The DCP&P Adoption Registry facilitates contact between birth family members and adoptees whose adoptions were processed by DCP&P or by its predecessor agencies: the Bureau of Children’s Services, the State Board of Child Welfare or the State Board of Children’s Guardians. Registry services are not available to members of the adoption community whose adoptions were processed independently (through attorneys) or through private adoption agencies.
Meet other local Birth Parents of children who have been adopted by other families. Gather for companionship, support, and advice sharing.
The National Adoption Center expands adoption opportunities for children living in foster care throughout the United States and is a resource to families and agencies that seek the permanency of caring homes for children.
The primary mission of the Annie E. Casey Foundation is to foster public policies, human-service reforms, and community supports that more effectively meet the needs of today’s vulnerable children and families. In pursuit of this goal, the Foundation makes grants that help states, cities, and neighborhoods fashion more innovative, cost-effective responses to these needs.
A non-profit research organization that keeps the public informed about children and families in the U.S. in order to improve the lives of children; excellent, useful information for families and professionals.
A national project working to ensure that children and teens in foster care get safe, loving, permanent families
State of New Jersey Department of Children and Families – Adoption
Division of Youth and Family Services, New Jersey
The New York State Citizens Coalition for Children
The New York State Citizens Coalition for Children provides support, information and advocacy for foster, adoptive and kinship families in the Empire State and the professionals who serve them.
Children’s System of Care Services Providers
DCF’s Division of Children’s System of Care, CSOC, (formerly the Division of Child Behavioral Health Services) serves children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral health care challenges and their families; and children with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families. CSOC is committed to providing these services based on the needs of the child and family in a family-centered, community-based environment.
Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ)
ACNJ’s Children’s Legal Resource Center is New Jersey’s foremost information source on children and the law. Community service providers, attorneys, court staff and volunteers, educators, parents and caregivers, children, researchers, and general public, have depended on the Children’s Legal Resource Center since 1993 for assistance, training and legal publications relating to the rights and care of New Jersey’s children.
embrella (formally Foster and Adoptive Family Services -FAFS)
Foster and Adoptive Family Services (FAFS) in partnership with the Department of Youth and Family Services (DCP&P) provide educational assistance through the New Jersey Foster Care Scholars Program.
FAFS also provides privately funded scholarships and grants for foster and adopted children who are high school seniors.
The New Jersey Foster Care (NJFC) Scholars Program was put into place after Governor McGreevey signed the Tuition Waiver Bill in July of 2003. Through the passing of this legislation eligible foster and homeless youth may receive full tuition to a public New Jersey college, university, or vocational school.
embrella (formally Foster and Adoptive Family Services -FAFS)
FAFS Offers a series of privately funded academic scholarships and opportunity grants for foster and adopted youth. These awards are in place to assist foster and adopted youth (who are graduating high school) to obtain a higher education or with
moving into the next phase of their lives. The funding for these awards is made possible through the generosity of dedicated benefactors and members.
The Gift of Identity Fund, Ltd
The Gift of Identity Fund, Ltd. provides funding to international adoptees visiting their birth country with the goal of helping them understand their identity, heritage, and culture while traveling via The Ties Program, a family based heritage program.
College Affordability Guide
OUR MISSION: to provide clear, correct info and advice on the many options students have to reduce the cost of their degree, and to offer a fresh analysis of which colleges are doing the most to make high-quality education affordable. We analyzed 10,000,000+ data points from 5,000+ degree-granting colleges and universities across the US, looking for the most affordable colleges and degrees. Less than 10% of those schools made it into our rankings.
A Guide on How to Get Scholarships and Grants for Students with Disabilities
Many schools and organizations offer assistance to help students with disabilities reach their goals. From tutoring, to financial aid and tax breaks, students with disabilities, and their parents, can access a wide range of resources. But finding these resources and applying for them can be a bit overwhelming. Below you will find a wide range of scholarships, grants and tips on how to apply for them.
Student Financial Guide – Loans, Scholarships & Grants
Does the high price of a college education make it seem like it is out of reach? Thankfully, multiple options for financing an education make it accessible to people of all backgrounds and economic situations. It just comes down to finding the right fit for you. In this article, we will be discussing the various loans, grants, and scholarships that are available to new and continuing students.
College Help for Homeless Students
Those experiencing homelessness may believe there’s no way to attend college, let alone earn a degree. However, there’s a variety of support available that can help.
We’ve compiled a guide to help those experiencing homelessness get the information and assistance they need to successfully complete a college education.
The Adoption Network Law Center Scholarship Programfor Birth Parents and Adopted Children
The Adoption Network Law Center Scholarship Program started in an effort to give back to the adoption community and to show support to Birth Parents and Adoptees who are interested in pursuing higher education.
Adoption Network Law Center awards up to $10,000 in scholarships annually, once in autumn and once in spring.* Scholarships will be made payable directly to the school on behalf of the student.
Scholarship Programs
The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans is dedicated to the simple but powerful belief that hard work, honesty and determination can conquer all obstacles. The Association honors the achievements of outstanding leaders who have accomplished remarkable successes in spite of adversity by bestowing upon them the Horatio Alger Award and inducting them as lifetime Members. Since 1947, more than 700 distinguished individuals from all walks of life and diverse professional backgrounds have received the Horatio Alger Award and lifetime membership in the Association. There are currently more than 300 living Members, including ten Members from Canada.
Fostered & Adopted Youth Scholarships
The following list includes ONLY scholarships that are focused toward youth that are or have been in foster care, or were adopted.
25 Great Scholarships for Adopted Students
Since adopted children often have faced tremendous hardships in their lives, such as neglect and abuse, many organizations have created scholarships for adopted students to help them overcome their tough past for a brighter future. A recent study at the University of Chicago found that only one-half of all adopted and foster students actually graduate from high school, and only six percent of those who graduated went on to earn a college degree. Although there are many reasons why these students may not attend post-secondary education, financial support is usually one of the major contributing factors. Therefore, read on to learn more about 25 excellent scholarship opportunities specifically for children who have been adopted from foster care.
Top Scholarships for Adopted Children
Are you a student who is living in the foster care system or who was adopted? Scholarships for adopted children are ample and they are able to take full advantage of the adoption scholarships. There are lots of scholarships available for adopted students which provide them with the best award for their educational dream.
Here, we have created a scholarships list of the “Scholarships for Adopted Children” that can help you to achieve your goals. These opportunities are available for adopted children who are studying as a high school senior and graduate or undergraduate students.
Homeless or Impoverished and Wanting to Learn: Challenges and Solutions for College Students in Need
Perhaps you spent your K-12 education being told, “College is the way to success.” Maybe it was implied to you that postsecondary education is some kind of magic bullet that will solve all your financial woes immediately. Of course, for many, college education is still a path to greater lifetime earnings, and more people from low-income households are entering college than ever before.
But if you are in high school growing up in a low-income household, or a current college student struggling with financial instability and homelessness, this dream may seem out of reach.
Let’s take a look at statistics related to low-income and homeless young people and college students and the causes of these challenges. For aspiring college students, we’ll then discuss how to pick the right type of postsecondary education for your situation and how to achieve your goals during and after college—even if you’re continuing to have financial troubles during your studies
Remember: There is no shame in asking for help. We all need it sometimes.
National Council for Adoption; charity working towards placing adoptive children
Linking parents and children for adoption
Fostering Perspectives: This site is “dedicated to making foster care and adoption in North Carolina the best they can be.” Although it is based in North Carolina, many of its publications cover issues that are important to all foster families.
embrella (formally Foster and Adoptive Family Services -FAFS)
Founded in 1972 and incorporated in 1974, Foster and Adoptive Family Services is the leading statewide advocacy agency for foster, adoptive and kinship parents in NJ.
The mission of FAFS is to provide support, training and advocacy to meet the special needs of foster, adoptive and kinship families, who provide safe, stable and nurturing homes for children in foster care. — Foster and Adoptive Family Services (FAFS) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered charity incorporated in 1974. For more information log onto their website.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Child Welfare Information Gateway, Formerly the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information and the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse, Child Welfare Information Gateway provides access to information and resources to help protect children and strengthen families. A service of the Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
A temporary lack of resources – not a lack of love – is often the reason birthparents surrender their parental rights. If parents are unable to raise their children, they should have a say in who will. Denying loving parents knowledge of their children, even when those children become adults, is a cruel and unnecessary punishment that causes suffering for all. A severing of parental rights does not cut off a parent’s love.
The National Adoption Center expands adoption opportunities for children living in foster care throughout the United States and is a resource to families and agencies that seek the permanency of caring homes for children.
Very Well Family
Regularly updated news articles and editorials about adoption issues
The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute
The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to raising awareness about the millions of children around the world in need of permanent, safe, and loving homes and to eliminating the barriers that hinder these children from realizing their basic right of a family.
Resource web site with general information about adoption with web links
The Donaldson Adoption Institute
NCAP: National Center on Adoption and Permanency
A New Organization and a New Focus: Enabling Children and Families to Succeed. Includes The Donaldson Adoption Institute’s archives of research and policy. To provide leadership that improves laws, policies and practices – through sound research, education and advocacy – in order to better the lives of everyone touched by adoption. The Donaldson Adoption Institute’s mission is to provide leadership that improves laws, policies and practices – through sound research, education and advocacy – in order to better the lives of everyone touched by adoption.
Resource for various adoption issues, publications and web links.
TAP Link
Your Adoption, Foster and Kinship Resource Website.
Post adoption/permanency support and services will help adoptive, foster and kinship parents in understanding and addressing issues related to their child’s loss, separation, trauma, attachment, and identity. It will also help children and youth deal with their emotions, losses, and come to terms with their experiences and present circumstances.
Concerned Persons For Adoption (CPFA)
Concerned Persons For Adoption (CPFA) is a non-profit organization in the State of New Jersey dedicated to the belief that every child deserves a family. CPFA is not an adoption agency, but a volunteer organization working to support those who wish to adopt, and to provide educational and networking resources to those who have adopted.
Intercountry Adoption
Official Federal site for the Department of State Office of Children’s Issues; information about international adoption, child welfare, and legal issues.
A website founded by two adoptive parents; offers a comprehensive content of educational resources for any person involved in, or interested in adoption; ongoing lists of educational events are listed.
Adoption Learning Partners
Adoption Learning Partners, founded by The Cradle, seeks to improve adoption outcomes for all members of the adoption circle by providing a vibrant, innovative, educational resource on the Internet. The vision of Adoption Learning Partners is to offer highly valuable, timely, web-based educational resources for adoptive parents, adopted individuals, birth parents and the families that love them.
Adoption Lifebooks
Adoption lifebooks…Helping children understand their past so they can thrive into future.
The Adoption Exchange Association
Because all children need families, the Adoption Exchange Association serves its members by stimulating innovative solutions, eliminating barriers, advocating, educating, and sharing excellent practice. Our central goal is to assist and encourage our members nationwide as they find adoptive families for all children and youth who wait in foster care.
Adopt America Network
Adopt America Network is dedicated to helping place children with special circumstances, whether they are physical, emotional or something else (for instance, older children and/or siblings). Our placements are even more vital when you consider these small souls are the innocent victims of painful loss, neglect and abuse.
Thinking Of Adopting
Thinking of Adopting was founded by adoptive parents who want to help you decide if adoption is right for you and support you throughout your entire adoption journey. We do so by connecting you with adoptive parents and adoption experts through adoption telecourses and webinars. Our mission is to help more people take a “leap of faith” and adopt a child by providing he information and inspiration you will need not only to adopt a child, but also to care for and love them once they are home. We call it, “Learn, Leap, Love”. Our prayer is that doing so will help more children get their forever homes.
North American Council on Adoptable Children Now “Families Rising”
NACAC, now called “Families Rising” promotes and supports permanent families for children and youth in the U.S. and Canada who have been in care—especially those in foster care and those with special needs.
Jewish Child Care Association (JCCA)
Jewish Child Care Association (JCCA) is a comprehensive child and family services agency. We work with those who need us most, including children who have been neglected or abused, immigrant Jewish families, and those building new lives. Most of our clients come to us because they struggle with poverty or family crises, and because they are working to create an independent future.
Intercountry Adoption
Each year thousands of U.S. citizens adopt children from abroad and many families in other countries adopt U.S. children. Intercountry adoption is governed by both the laws of the country in which the child lives and the country in which the adoptive parents live. Under U.S. law, there are two distinct intercountry adoption processes: the Hague Convention process and the non-Hague Convention process. Which process you will follow will depend on whether or not the other country involved is also a party to the Hague Convention. In this website, we will guide you through and answer your questions about these processes.
AKA (Also Known As)
The mission of Also-Known-As, Inc. is to empower the voice of adult international adoptees, build cultural bridges, transform perceptions of race, and acknowledge the loss of the birth country, culture, language and biological family experienced by international adoptees.
Adoption History Project
Adoption History Project; history of adoption and legislation, people and organizations significant to adoption, readings and archived documents with specific topic areas.
Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption
Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption; helps prospective adoptive parents find children in need in Russia and the Ukraine.
Come Unity
One of the largest and oldest adoption sites, with several hundred articles on adoption, special needs, adoption mailing lists, book reviews, adoptive parenting, adoption resources, and more.
American Adoptions
Links to adoption resources and information.
Great Wall China Adoption
Great Wall China Adoption is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Austin,Texas. Since 1996, Great Wall has assisted the Chinese government in placing more than 8,000 children with forever families. Between the headquarters located in Austin, Texas and the sister office in Beijing, China, we work on behalf of families each day to be experts at exceeding China’s requirements and adoptive families’ expectations by staying updated on aspects of China adoption.
St. Mary International Adoptions
St. Mary International Adoptions connects children from Poland, Bulgaria and Ukraine with couples and single people alike in all fifty states who wish to build families through International adoptions.
International Adoption Net
International adoption agency.
Gift of identity
The Gift of Identity Fund, Ltd. provides funding to international adoptees visiting their birth country with the goal of helping them understand their identity, heritage, and culture while traveling via The Ties Program, a family based heritage program.
Catalyst Foundation
Catalyst Foundation is a humanitarian organization that helps build communities in Vietnam to fight human trafficking. Be the Catalyst for HOPE!
Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME) is a 501(c)(3) organization created for the sole purpose of the accreditation, approval, monitoring and oversight of adoption service providers providing intercountry adoption services. IAAME is operated by staff with extensive experience in providing child welfare services, administering child welfare standards, contracting, licensing, monitoring, and domestic adoption services.
Education Law Center
Includes news and press releases about education issues in New Jersey; emphasis on special needs children and legal issues; includes a special education guide, information about community projects, and publications.
Disability Secrets
The purpose of this site is to distribute information that, typically, is impossible to get from the person taking your claim for SSD and SSI benefits. In essence, applying for disability and SSI benefits might as well be a secret process since Social Security does not try to make this information clear or even understandable.
Legal Services of New Jersey
State wide service that offers legal information, advice and referral to low-income residents of New Jersey with civil legal problems (criminal cases are referred). This service is provided at no charge but applicants must be financially eligible to qualify.
ACNJ’s Children’s Legal Resource Center
ACNJ’s Children’s Legal Resource Center is New Jersey’s foremost information source on children and the law. Community service providers, attorneys, court staff and volunteers, educators, parents and caregivers, children, researchers, and general public, have depended on the Children’s Legal Resource Center since 1993 for assistance, training and legal publications relating to the rights and care of New Jersey’s children.
Where to Write for Vital Records
The links are provided for those users who want direct access to individual state and territory information. To use this valuable tool, you must first determine the state or area where the birth, death, marriage, or divorce occurred, then click on that state or area. Please follow the provided guidelines to ensure an accurate response to your request.
Legal Services Corporation
SC is the single largest funder of civil legal aid for low-income Americans in the nation. Established in 1974, LSC operates as an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that promotes equal access to justice and provides grants for high-quality civil legal assistance to low-income Americans. LSC distributes more than 90 percent of its total funding to 134 independent nonprofit legal aid programs with more than 800 offices.
Foster Care and Education
Foster care and education informational website.
For 40 years, the CHLP has provided free civil legal services to individuals whose income is no greater than 250% of the poverty level. The organization will continue to do so for many clients living with disabilities.
Central Jersey Legal Services
Central Jersey Legal Services is a nonprofit law firm. We offer free legal help in civil (non-criminal) cases for low-income residents of Mercer, Middlesex and Union Counties. If you have a legal problem and cannot afford an attorney, Central Jersey Legal Services is here to help.
New Jersey Courts
Orphan Doctor
Useful website maintained by Dr. Jane Aronson, a pediatrician who specializes in medical concerns of adopted children with expertise in international adoption medical and health issues; located in New York.
Healthy is the only parenting Web site backed by 60,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.
Whether you’re looking for general information related to child health or for more specific guidance on parenting issues, you’ve come to the right place. Here, you’ll find information regarding the American Academy of Pediatrics many programs and activities, our policies and guidelines, our publications and other child health resources, as well as much, much more. Best of all, you can rest assured that the information comes from the nation’s leading child health experts and that we have scientific research supporting our recommendations.
Zero To Three
ZERO TO THREE’s mission is to support the healthy development and well-being of infants, toddlers and their families. We are a national nonprofit multidisciplinary organization that advances our mission by informing, educating and supporting adults who influence the lives of infants and toddlers.
Early Intervention System
Our mission is to enhance the capacity of families to meet the developmental and health related needs of children birth to age three who have delays or disabilities by providing quality services and support to families and their children. Families from diverse racial, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds will be involved in decision making at every level of the design, implementation, and evaluation of the Early Intervention System.
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Between 7 and 12 Million American youth suffer from mental, behavioral, or developmental disorders at any given time. The AACAP (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) is the leading national professional medical association dedicated to treating and improving the quality of life for children, adolescents, and families affected by these disorders.
National Federation of Families
National family-run organization dedicated exclusively to helping children with mental health needs and their families achieve a better quality of life.
The Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
The mission of the Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law is to protect and advance the rights of adults and children who have mental disabilities. The Center envisions an America where people who have mental illnesses or developmental disabilities exercise their own life choices and have access to the resources that enable them to participate fully in their communities.
Child Welfare Information Gateway
Child Welfare Information Gateway promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children, youth, and families by connecting child welfare, adoption, and related professionals as well as the public to information, resources, and tools covering topics on child welfare, child abuse and neglect, out-of-home care, adoption, and more.
2nd Floor
The new youth helpline is available 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week to children and young adults ages 10-24. Youth can either call the helpline, 1-888-222-2228, or access the interactive Web site . Calls to the 2NDFLOOR youth helpline are anonymous and confidential except in life-threatening situations.
DNA Services of America
Testing services will benefit parents who need to establish paternity to complete the Acknowledgement of Paternity; child support establishment; or for those who just need to have the peace of mind in knowing the truth regarding a biological relationship.
DNA Lady
DNA Lady provides local, in office and mobile, national and international DNA Testing and Collections.
The Center for Cognitive-Developmental Assessment and Remediation
The Center for Cognitive-Developmental Assessment and Remediation (BGCenter) is composed of independent professionals, specializing with services to the internationally adopted children and working in their own offices and at the Center. We specialize in psycho-educational issues of older (preschool and school age) internationally adopted children.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network was established to improve access to care, treatment, and services for traumatized children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events. This section of provides information about the Network itself.
Adopt US Kids
We offer an array of services to both families and child welfare professionals. From tips and resources to an extensive database of children in U.S. foster care available for adoption and families who are home studied and approved to adopt them. We have what you need right here to make your journey through foster care and adoption successful.
National Adoption Center
We provide the following free adoptive services: Public Awareness & Recruitment, Information & Referral and Matching Events & Advocacy. We are here to bring attention to the need for adoptive homes for children living in foster care. We help agencies recruit on behalf of their waiting children. We seek to match prospective adoptive families with appropriate adoption agencies.
Heart Gallery of New Jersey
A website dedicated to older child and sibling groups in the care of DCP&P who are waiting for an adoptive family.
Come Unity
One of the oldest and largest parent support sites on the Internet; includes articles, news, and resources for a variety of parenting needs and concerns.
New Jersey Parents’ Caucus
The New Jersey Parents’ Caucus, Inc. is a non-profit, parent-driven organization whose mission is to ensure that every family who has children with special emotional and behavioral challenges is given an opportunity to play a strong and active role in the development and delivery of effective and timely services for their children.
Programs for Parents
Programs for Parents supports children, families and child care providers through education, advocacy, referrals and access to available financial resources.
Parent Link
The goal of the website is to improve the accessibility, coordination and delivery of information and services to parents of young children, and to improve communication capabilities for ongoing service collaborations and policy development.
The Center for Parenting Education
The Center for Parenting Education educates and supports parents to do the best job they can to raise their children to become confident, caring, responsible and productive. We offer a variety of programs and activities that help parents do this important job.
FAIR exists for adoptive families. Through its all-volunteer organization FAIR offers information, education, support and fellowship to adoptive and preadoptive families. Our membership includes families who have adopted children through public and private agencies, from the US as well as from many other countries.
Adoptive Families
Tips in how to communicate about adoption with your teacher and schools.
College Resources For Students with Disabilities
With the advances of adaptive technologies and trend toward progressive legislation, prospective college students with disabilities now have countless resources available to make their transition to postsecondary education less stressful. Find specific information and resources on a variety of different disabilities, learn how to make the transition into the workforce easier, and find out what your legal rights on campus are.
Stop Bullying
Bullying can affect you in many ways. You may lose sleep or feel sick. You may want to skip school. You may even be thinking about suicide. If you are feeling hopeless or helpless or know someone that is, please call the LIFELINE at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Renay Zamloot Education Advocate
Renay Zamloot is a Non-Attorney Advocate who works with New Jersey parents of students with disabilities from the preschool years through transition into post-secondary life to ensure the development of truly Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).
What College Students Should Know About Their
Rights on Campus
If you are a student about to begin your first year of college, congratulations. You’re about to embark on one of the most exciting and potentially rewarding adventures of your life. With the million-and-a-half things to do and know as you head off to campus, though, it’s important to include a solid understanding of the basic rights afforded to you, under the law and by school policy, as a college student in the United States. Whether you’re a new or seasoned student, it’s important to know the various laws, regulations and policies in place to protect college students. This guide covers Title IX protections against sex discrimination and violence; transgender student rights; federal protections for disabled students through Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act; and privacy, contracts and consumer rights.
The Anti-Bullying Guidebook
How to Recognize, Prevent, and Stop Bullying in School, at Work, and Online
Bullying is harassment or aggressive behavior that intimidates, dominates, or hurts another person mentally, emotionally, or physically. While some authority figures and parents may believe that bullying is just part of growing up, research on the short- and long-term effects of bullying prove otherwise.
Best Choice Admissions
Free Information and Assistance for Parents
We are free services that helps parents find the right alternative boarding school, therapeutic boarding school, or residential treatment center for their teen.
American Adoption Congress
This section of the American Adoption Congress website is intended to provide a collection of articles, data bases, forums and references including links to other web sites which might be useful to searchers who are working on their own.
Adoption Registry
The CP&P (formerly DYFS) Adoption Registry facilitates contact between birth family members and adoptees whose adoptions were processed by CP&P or by its predecessor agencies: the Division of Youth and Family Services, the Bureau of Children’s Services, the State Board of Child Welfare or the State Board of Children’s Guardians. Registry services are not available to members of the adoption community whose adoptions were processed independently (through attorneys) or through private adoption agencies.
New Jersey Birth Certificates, Death Records, Marriage Licenses and more.
Genex Diagnostics
Genex Diagnostics is the leading provider of legal DNA paternity testing services for hospitals, physicians, lawyers, and government organizations in North America. Genex regularly processes a high volume of parentage testing cases as well as a full spectrum of DNA identity testing and forensic testing services.
The International Soundex Reunion Registry
The International Soundex Reunion Registry is a non-profit, tax exempt, charitable organization founded in 1975 by Emma May Vilardi. ISRR is a mutual consent reunion registry for persons desiring a reunion with next-of-kin. This agency serves the needs of family members who have been separated from each other by adoption, divorce, foster care, institutional care, abandonment, crisis, etc. ISRR is referred to by many groups, internet resources, state departments, courts, government and private agencies — though not directly affiliated with any other registry, organization or website.
Canadian Adoptees Registry Inc
Canadian Adoptees Registry Inc. (CARI) is a free service provided by a small group of dedicated volunteers. Our mission is to provide help and assistance to adult adoptees and birth families that are seeking to learn more about, and perhaps make contact with, each other.
Adoption Registry Connect
Adoption Registry Connect is a worldwide adoptee and birth parent search registry designed to reunite adoptees with their birth parents and siblings.
DNA Lady
DNA Lady provides local, in office and mobile, national and international DNA Testing and Collections.
We are a local community business with offices throughout the state, but global in scope with access to hundreds of affiliate DNA collection sites throughout the United States and countries world wide.
Genealogy is a source for family history buffs to find genealogical research originally posted in GenForum and our most popular genealogy articles. Start a search or browse below to start digging into your family’s past!
23and ME
You are made of cells. And the cells in your body have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Your chromosomes are made of DNA, which can tell you a lot about you. Explore your 23 pairs today.
Find out what your 23 pairs of chromosomes can tell you.
G’S Adoption Registry
Free Adoption Mutual Consent Reunion Registry
For adoptees desiring a reunion with their birth family,
or to learn about their medical history and birth family genealogy.
For birth mothers & birth fathers & birth siblings & birth family members
desiring a reunion with the adoptee that was given up for adoption.
Or to give the adoptee their medical history or birth family genealogy.
Family Tree DNA
Our DNA tests can help you find family, break through brick walls and trace your lineage through time. We are the only company with a comprehensive testing suite that can take you on this journey.
• Family Tree DNA has the most comprehensive ancestry database in the world
• We’ll put you in contact with your closest genetic matches
• Share stories and work together to connect the dots on your family tree
If you have ever wondered about pursuing a birth family search in China, MyTaproot is here to help.
MyTaproot is the first large-scale, internationally-coordinated effort that has been thoughtfully designed to provide members with a simplified and straight-forward approach to Birth Family Search, with access to continued clinical support throughout the process and tools to connect with others in the community.
As birth family searches evolve, MyTaproot strives to meet the ever-changing needs of our members. No matter your role in the adoption story, whatever you discover, we hope you find your MyTaproot journey meaningful and healing.
The journey is yours – Stay rooted.
DNA Weekly
Best Ancestry DNA Tests
Are you looking to see what percentage Jamaican you are? Do you want to find new branches of your family tree? We’ve done all the hard work for you and compared the best DNA test kits online.
The National Resource on ADHD
Information about Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
Children’s Disabilities Information
Essential articles and resources empower parents of children with disabilities and special needs.
National Down Syndrome Adoption Network
The children listed on this page are in state custody, and need unique families. When we are contacted by a birth family or a private agency, those calls are kept confidential and not posted publicly, and we are able to identify families from our registry for those situations.
Parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.
Statewide Parent Advocacy Network
Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN) provides empowerment and information to families and involves professionals in the educational rights of children.
Education Law Center
Education Law Center; Right to special education in New Jersey: A guide for advocates
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Direct link to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Direct link to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Early Intervention System
The New Jersey Early Intervention System (NJEIS), under the Division of Family Health Services, implements New Jersey’s statewide system of services for infants and toddlers, birth to age three, with developmental delays or disabilities, and their families. The Department of Health is appointed by the Governor as the state lead agency for the Early Intervention System.
Advocates for Children on New Jersey
Association for Children of New Jersey; A voice for New Jersey’s Children.
Advocates for Children of NJ (ACNJ) Resources
Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ) works with local, state and federal leaders to identify and implement changes that will benefit New Jersey’s children.
New Jersey Protection and Advocacy, Inc
(NJP&A) is New Jersey’s designated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities in the state. NJP&A provides representation and publications.
Volunteer Lawyers for Justice
Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ) was created in 2001 as a program of the Legal Services Foundation of Essex County to provide direct legal representation to residents of Essex County, New Jersey. The program began with one staff person and a core group of 30 volunteer attorneys. In 2008, VLJ separately incorporated as its own 501(c)(3) New Jersey not-for-profit corporation. Today, VLJ provides free legal services throughout the state with more than 1,500 attorneys and paralegals who volunteer their time for one or more of VLJ’s seven distinct legal projects.
Think College !
College Options for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
Online Public Schools
This schooling differs from traditional schools in that classes do not take place in a building, but rather at home, on the road, or wherever an Internet connection can be found. Students take courses online with support from their teacher via phone, online Web meetings, and sometimes even face to face.
Learning Ally
We are a national not-for-profit dedicated to bringing parents, teachers and the community together to empower dyslexic, blind or visually impaired students to succeed.
Assistive Technology Center
We help people with disabilities, their families, teachers and employers identify and learn to use the technology that will be most effective in meeting their goals.
A Real Online Degree
With so many options when it comes to finding the right degree, from the right university, in a format that fits your lifestyle, completing research up front can be a daunting task. The goal of A Real Online Degree is to complete this for you. We will take a look at the different degree options that are available for you, and help to point you in the right direction for completing these programs.
Parents want the best for their children. We do, too. For the first time ever, 15 nonprofit organizations have joined forces to support parents of the one in five children with learning and attention issues throughout their journey.
With the right support, parents can help children unlock their strengths and reach their full potential. With state-of-the-art technology, personalized resources, free daily access to experts, a secure online community, practical tips and more, Understood aims to be that support.
One Simple Wish
One Simple Wish has been making small miracles happen for foster children and vulnerable families since December 2008. We offer everyone a glimpse into the life of a child in the foster care system or a family in need. Our goal is to connect people, one to one, to create rewarding, meaningful relationships between the giver and recipient.
Here on our website you can browse through hundreds of wishes posted on behalf of some of the most deserving, yet invisible children and families in the United States. Wish granting is simple and affordable, with most wishes ranging between $5 and $100. We allow everyone the chance to make a direct impact on the lives of those in need…anytime, from anywhere.
New Jersey Department of Education
Direct link to New Jersey Department of Education.
Exceptional Parent Magazine
EP Global Communications (OTC Bulletin Board: EPGL) is a 40-year-old, award-winning publishing and communications company. EP provides practical advice and the most up-to-date educational information for families of children and adults with disabilities and special healthcare needs as well as to the physicians, allied health care professionals, and educational professionals who are involved in their care and development.
A Loving Alternative
Since 1994, we have assisted hundreds of women with unplanned pregnancies. Contact us to receive personal, non-judgmental information about ways we can help you.
Most of the women who choose to work with A Loving Alternative do so because they can feel the difference in our approach from the very first call and throughout the adoption. helps parents find time-saving tips and parenting strategies to help children learn at home, succeed in school, and grow up healthy. Pick up time-saving tips, get the latest news, and stay informed of all the latest sweepstakes and promotions.
The National Association for Children of Alcoholics
The people hurt most by drugs and alcohol don’t even use them; they are the CHILDREN of alcoholics and other drug dependent parents. The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA) believes that none of these vulnerable children should grow up in isolation and without support. NACoA is the national nonprofit 501 (c) 3 membership and affiliate organization working on behalf of children of alcohol and drug dependent parents.
Mom to Mom NJ
An Informational Site dedicated To Moms.
We are your one stop directory of Places To Go, Things To Do, and Ways To Save.
Prevent Child Abuse – New Jersey
Prevent Child Abuse – New Jersey is the New Jersey Chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America, a network of chapters in all 50 states. Our mission is to prevent child abuse and neglect, in all forms, for all New Jersey children. Prevent Child Abuse-New Jersey is the only statewide non-profit dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect in all forms, for all New Jersey children.
The Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund
The Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund is a financial assistance program for New Jersey Families whose children have an illness or condition otherwise uncovered by insurance, State or Federal programs, or other source, such as fundraising. The Fund is intended to assist in preserving a family’s ability to cope with the responsibilities which accompany a child’s significant health problems.
1-800 Homestudy is the definitive resource for adoptive families who are looking for qualified and reliable adoption home study professionals. Our knowledgeable adoption home study affiliates have completed thousands of approved home studies for hopeful adoptive families in every state.
Our home study providers understand the complex, and oftentimes emotional, adoption journey you are about to begin, and they are committed to helping you through the home study process. Because of our dedication to educating adoptive families, we have made available an extensive amount of information on adoption home studies, domestic and international adoption, post-placement visits and state and agency adoption regulations. We look forward to helping you through your first step in building your family.
The environment of eXtension is a catalyst for transformation of the Cooperative Extension System of the Land Grant Universities nationwide.
eXtension is an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from the smartest land-grant university minds across America. eXtension connects knowledge consumers with knowledge providers—experts like you who know their subject matter inside out.
Office of Child Support Services
Committed to assisting parents to obtain the financial support necessary for their children to prosper in a stable setting, the Office of Child Support Services is equally dedicated to helping parents understand how critical their participation is in the lives of their children. Both parents have a responsibility to support their children financially and emotionally. It is vital for parents to have the resources to help them understand all the responsibilities and the joys of raising a child, and that child support is more than just money.
Miriam’s Heart
Based in Central New Jersey, Miriam’s Heart is more than just an adoption ministry. We engage the whole church to take action on behalf of orphaned and abandoned children by supporting families, developing ministries and child advocacy.
New Jersey Youth Resource Spot (NJYRS)
NJ Youth Resource Spot is a website created for young people in New Jersey that have had some sort of involvement in the NJ Department of Children and Families.
Care to Caregivers
Free, ongoing peer support for dementia caregivers.
Accredited Schools Online: Education on your time
Online education used to be reserved for students enrolled at for-profit colleges and universities. Yet today, hundreds of schools with full accreditation make quality online learning a reality for millions. Whether in kindergarten, middle school or looking to move up with a master’s, see how accredited online schools can make a difference.
The center for LGBTQ Youth Advocacy and Capacity Building
Created in 2013, HMI’s newest initiative, the Center for LGBTQ Youth Advocacy and Capacity Building, advocates on behalf of LGBTQ youth by influencing policy on local, national and international levels, while helping to build the capacity of decision-makers, individuals and institutions that serve this marginalized population.
Alcohol Consumption Amongst Young People [INFOGRAPHIC]
Have you ever wonder the extent of underage drinking in the United Kingdom? Does your current role involve an element of child care meaning the issue of underage drinking is of concern to you? If so, the information contained in this newly developed infographic may contain the most startling facts you will read this year.
In this informative infographic, we reveal the exact extent of underage drinking in the United Kingdom. We also reveal many negative effects underage drinking inflicts on its victims.
Money Geek
Smarter financial decisions for retirement protecting your assets life your education daily spending buying a house.
Free financial tools, calculators, and resources to simplify choices for your money and your future.
How to Become
Take Your First Step…
Many people use “job” and “career” interchangeably. While it’s true that each involves working and a wage, a career goes well beyond a paycheck. It’s the teacher who lesson plans at 7 a.m. for 25 rowdy second graders. It’s the nurse who spends time with the disabled veteran on her ward 30 minutes after she’s clocked out. It’s the social worker who makes sure the kids in her care have a warm meal and clean clothes at Christmastime. A career is a commitment; a career is hard work; a career is your passion. Are you ready to find yours?
Worldwide Orphans (WWO) was established in 1997 by Dr. Jane Aronson, a global pediatric specialist. WWO is a New York/New Jersey based 501(c)(3) international nongovernmental organization (INGO) headquartered in Maplewood, New Jersey.
HillsideHillside Family of Agencies
Hillside Family of Agencies’ integrated system of services addresses the varied, diverse, and complex needs of children and families. Let us help you find the service that most closely matches your need.
The Ultimate Guide to Financial Aid and FAFSA for College Students
Spend some time looking into colleges and you’re in for a healthy dose of sticker shock. A survey conducted by Sallie Mae in 2019 found that cost is the number one factor families consider when choosing a college, above even academic criteria. In fact, four out of five families in America eliminated potential colleges based solely on the price.
This may not come as a huge eye-opener for most; the average cost of attending a public 4-year university in the United States is $26,120 per year, which equals $104,480 for a bachelor’s degree. Compare that to just 30 years ago, when the total cost for a 4-year degree would have set you back $26,902, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. It’s no surprise, then, that student loans have overtaken credit cards and auto loans as the biggest non-housing debt in America.
Autism Speaks
Explore the Autism Speaks website to find local resources and information.