NY: NYC Bars Human-Service Contractors From Union-Busting
Labor Press – August 20, 2021
Mayor Bill de Blasio signed legislation Aug. 18, that will prohibit city human-service contractors from interfering with their workers’ attempts to organize unions. The bill, passed by a 41-2 vote in the City Council on July 29, will require private and nonprofit groups providing services such as child care and running senior centers to show that they have entered a “labor peace” agreement with a union within 90 days after they receive or renew a city contract. The exception would be if no union has sought to represent their employees. DC 37’s Private Sector Division already represents 20,000 workers at human-service contractors, including early childhood educators, homeless outreach specialists, and social workers at shelters for runaway and homeless youth. Nonprofit organizations are a huge part of the city’s social-services infrastructure. The city hires them to provide foster care, home health care, housing and shelter assistance, employment training and assistance, vocational and educational programs, legal services, recreation programs, and more.