TELEVISION PROGRAM: The View Weekdays 11:00 a.m. Channel 7
Victoria Rowell and Rosie O’Donnell spend an hour together taking turns imparting information to the public about foster care and adoption. Rosie O’Donnell and her life partner have four adopted children Victoria Rowell is an actress who grew up in Maine. She was in the foster care system for 18 years. Due to antiquated laws, she was never adopted. Sarah Gerstenzang spoke about Adopt US Kids. Laurie Sherman Graff of The Heart Gallery in New York City explained that there are 80 heart galleries in the U.S. Photographers take pictures of children who have been in the foster care system the longest and who are still waiting for forever families. These photos are displayed in various heart galleries. Often, this is the only picture a child has of him/herself. The children are very proud of the way they look.
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Format: Video-VHS
ID#: 2800
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