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Grandparenting Redefined
"In your grandparenting season, do you face pressures that belie the traditional role you had envisioned---a role that rarely exists anymore? Gone are the days ... more
Grandparenting With Love & Logic
"Grandparents will reap the rewards of loving and fulfilling relationships with grandchildren, step grandchildren, and their adult children when they employ the... more
"What image comes to mind when we hear the word "grandparents"? Too often, it is the Norman Rockwell view of innocuous, kindly, white-haired folk or, conversel... more
Grandparents as Care Givers of Children with Disabilities:
"Drs. McCallion and Janicki have edited a very important volume on grandparents raising children with disabilities. The number of custodial grandparents contin... more
Grandparents as Parents
"Invaluable to grandparents who are dealing with their emotionally distressed grandchildren, their often disturbed and/or abusive adult children, and a hopeless... more
Grounded for Life?!
Stop blowing your fuse and start communicating with your teenager
Do YOU feel responsible for your teen's hair, clothes, bedroom and grades?
If you answered "... more
Group Interventions & Exercises for Enhancing Children’s Communication, Cooperation, & Confidence
"Very nicely and clearly presented. Completely self-contained. A sure-fire method to boost self-esteem. Gets kids thinking about important social issues."
F... more
Growing Up Adopted: A Portrait of Adolescents & Their Families
The Largest Study Ever of Adoptive Families in the United States
Growing Up Great
Growing Up Great helps your child through the formative years of age 6 through age 10.
From modifying problematic behavior, to deal... more
Handbook for Treatment of Attachment-Trauma Problems in Children
To become a psychologically healthy human being, a child must have a relationship with an adult that is protective, nurturing, and that fosters his or her devel... more