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Beyond the Foster Care System Books
"In this richly detailed exploration of the foster care system, Krebs and Pitcoff argue that the existing system sets teens up to fail by inadequately preparing... more
Big or Little? Books
"When you're really young, it can be tough to figure out if you're a little or big kid."
"Some days, Toby feels big--like when he pours his own milk. But other... more
Birth Bond Books
"Birth Bond" is a book for anyone touched by adoption." ---Annette Baran ---The Adoption Triangle
"Documents with thoroughness and compassion." ---Reuben Pan... more
Birth Fathers and their Adoption Experiences Books
Virtually all literature about birth parents of adopted children has focused on mothers. In this pioneering study, Gary Clapton gives us a fresh perspective: he... more
Birth is More Than Once Books
"Birth is More Than Once" was so completely engrossing and moving. It was the first book I'd read that brought the inner world, my world, of Korean adopted chil... more
Birth Marks Books
"This superb study of transracial adoption in the United States addresses profoundly vexing & divisive questions about the social, biological, cultural and ... more
Birth Mother Books
The courageous intimate story of America's first surrogate mother...and a compelling account of a woman's confrontation with a decision that changed... more
Birth Mother Trauma Books
Some birth mothers go into a prolonged mourning period that can last for years, following the relinquishment of a child to adoption. The suppression of the pain... more