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Being Adopted Books
As recently as a generation ago, being adopted seemed no different from being born into the family that raised you. We used to think that parents simply chose... more
Being Adopted Books
Being Adopted, I Miss My Foster Parents, and The Visit were written and illustrated by the Herbert children, Stephanie, Stefon, Latisha, and S... more
Belonging in an Adopted World Books
Since the early 1990s, transnational adoptions have increased at an astonishing rate, not only in the United States, but worldwide. In "Belonging in an Adopted ... more
Beneath a Tall Tree Books
"We are our ancestors, and knowing where we come from helps us understand who we are. Jean Strauss went in search of her roots, with time, distance, sealed reco... more
Beneath the Mask Books
Working with adopted adolescents is complex. The key to successful therapy and healthy development is to help the adolescent discover and accept the person with... more
Beneath the Mask: For Teen Adoptees Books
Teens and Young Adults Share Their Stories
As a follow up to C.A.S.E. CEO and co-author Debbie Riley’s signature book Beneath the Mask: U... more
Best-Ever Big Sister Books
Calling all brand-new big sisters! There's so much little babies can't do. But luckily, you're around to show them!
This is a darling book for children who a... more
Beyond Acceptance Books
"Mom, Dad, I'm gay." When a parent hears these words, the initial shock is often followed by feelings ranging from anger and denial to fear and guilt. It is als... more
Beyond Good Intentions Books
This is a book of essays about the joys and risks of raising children adopted internationally.
Beyond the Babylift Books
The images won't die- South Vietnamese women and children scrambling desperately toward helicopters; North Vietnamese tanks crashing through walls, roaring thro... more