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Be a Friend Books
In their own words and pictures, children with HIV and AIDS tell how it feels to be different from other kids, and how they face rejection if people learn they ... more
Be My Baby Books
"A family is a family, no matter how it comes to us," reassures one adoptive father in this luminous and groundbreaking portrait of today's adoptive families.
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Becoming A Family Books
This book will help adoptive parents recognize and respond to the signs of broken attachment. This practical guide offers clear and effective strategies for par... more
Becoming A Wise Parent For Your Grown Child: How to Give Love and Support Without Meddling Books
Grown or not, they're still your kids - and sometimes you think they need your help, even though they don't want to act like a parent anymore. Other times, th... more
Becoming Attached Books
Seminal work on attachment theory for a general audience. Starts with history of attachment, & continues to contemporary issues. An eye-opening presentation... more
Becoming Patrick Books
When Pat McMahon risks the love of the mother who raised him by seeking out the mother who gave him away, he transforms from a mild-mannered engineer into a fre... more
Before Conflict Books
Dr. John D. Byrnes gets to the heart of the concept of aggression prevention. Rather than looking strictly at violence and all its implications--crime, assault,... more
Before We Were Yours: A Novel Books
Memphis, 1939. Twelve-year-old Rill Foss and her four younger siblings live a magical life aboard their family’s Mississippi... more
Beginnings: How Families Come to Be Books
Simple stories by the author of Helen the Fish explore all the different ways in which families are made, from traditional nuclear arrangements to foster parent... more
Being a Birthparent: Books
What exactly are a birthparent's responsibilities? When the child is an infant, it is especially easy to overlook the fact that the reason for an open adoption ... more