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Please Tell! Books
A beautifully simple book with a profoundly important message for children who have been sexually abused: the abuse wasn't their fault.
Reaching out to other c... more
Positive Parenting with a Plan (Grades K-12) (Grades K-12) Books
"Raising healthy, responsible, contented children is a challenge! Most parents grew up with little experience in child rearing. Now suddenly they find themsel... more
Practical Tools for Foster Parents Books
More than half a million children today live in out-of-home care, and many have special problems. The need for well-trained, loving foster parents has never be... more
Practice Makes Progress – An LGBT Family Friendly Kids Book about Building Self Confidence through Roller Skating Books
What's the best th... more
Prediction in Child Development Books
The Delaware Family Study begun in 1962 at the Children's Bureau of Delaware. Study addressed child development, adopted children, foster parents, birth order ... more
Pregnant? Adoption is an Option Books
In the words & stories of many different birth mothers, book presents down to earth information about every aspect of making an adoption plan for your baby, fro... more