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Beneath the Mask
Working with adopted adolescents is complex. The key to successful therapy and healthy development is to help the adolescent discover and accept the person with... more
Beneath the Mask: For Teen Adoptees
Teens and Young Adults Share Their Stories
As a follow up to C.A.S.E. CEO and co-author Debbie Riley’s signature book Beneath the Mask: U... more
Best-Ever Big Sister
Calling all brand-new big sisters! There's so much little babies can't do. But luckily, you're around to show them!
This is a darling book for children who a... more
Beyond Acceptance
"Mom, Dad, I'm gay." When a parent hears these words, the initial shock is often followed by feelings ranging from anger and denial to fear and guilt. It is als... more
Beyond Good Intentions
This is a book of essays about the joys and risks of raising children adopted internationally.
Beyond the Babylift
The images won't die- South Vietnamese women and children scrambling desperately toward helicopters; North Vietnamese tanks crashing through walls, roaring thro... more
Beyond the Foster Care System
"In this richly detailed exploration of the foster care system, Krebs and Pitcoff argue that the existing system sets teens up to fail by inadequately preparing... more
Big or Little?
"When you're really young, it can be tough to figure out if you're a little or big kid."
"Some days, Toby feels big--like when he pours his own milk. But other... more
Birth Bond
"Birth Bond" is a book for anyone touched by adoption." ---Annette Baran ---The Adoption Triangle
"Documents with thoroughness and compassion." ---Reuben Pan... more
Birth Fathers and their Adoption Experiences
Virtually all literature about birth parents of adopted children has focused on mothers. In this pioneering study, Gary Clapton gives us a fresh perspective: he... more