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A Lifebook is more than a life story. It is a unique opportunity for parents to honor every minute of their children's lives. It is the single most meaningful p... more
Lifetimes Books
When the death of a relative, a friend, or a pet happens or is about to happen . . . how can we help a child to understand?
Lifetimes is a moving book... more
Like Family Books
Seldom have I seen so vividly evoked the need to belong to some, any, kind of family and the painful negotiations that time brings to even our closest intimacie... more
Like Me Books
Eight-year-old Miguel finally convinces his parents that he is old enough to own a puppy and does chores to earn the money to buy one, but he still has to convi... more
Lion Videos
Five-year- old Saroo (Sunny Pawar) gets lost on a train traveling away from his home and family. Frightened and bewildered, he ends up thousands of miles away... more
Listening To Fear Books
Studies before and after 9/11 indicate that too many children today not only experience their worlds as... more
Little Flower: A Journey of Caring Books
Little Flower, a potted daisy who is neglected by her family, finds help and a new place to stay until the people she was living with can learn how to take bett... more
Little Heroes Books
"This edition of "Little Heroes" is designed to help parents explain foster care to their children. The stories are all true, based on children that we have se... more
Little Miss Spider Books
"On the very first day of her life, Miss Spider discovers her mom is nowhere to be found. She sets out in search of her, and after many adventures, Miss Spider ... more
Little Pink Pup Books
When Pink was born, he was the runt of the litter. He was so tiny that his bigger pig siblings pushed him out of the way to get food. So it was a good thing t... more