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The Healing Power of the Family Books
"The Healing Power of the Family" is a tribute to foster and adoptive parents and to their potent influence upon the disturbed children who have joined their fa... more
The Heart Knows Something Different Books
From the opening pages of this stirring book, readers will feel the shock of recognition that accompanies the first discovery of literary brilliance coming from... more
The Homework Handbook Books
Practical Advice You Can Use Tonight to Help Your Child Succeed Tomorrow
Every evening, millions of families struggle with homework issues. Homework avoidance,... more
The Hyperactive Child Books
How do you know if your child or adolescent is hyperactive? Are you hyperactive yourself? What are the symptoms? Is there anything you can do? These are some of... more
The Impact of Community Violence on African American Children and Families Books
"An epidemic of violence has swept across our nation, affecting millions of African American children and adolescents daily. Many of these children die; others ... more
The Impact of Transracial Adoptions on the Adopted Child and Adoptive Family Videos
Part 2 of the Transracial Adoption Series
The Infertility Book Books
"Author Carla Harkness spent ten years undergoing fertility tests and treatment. Now the mother of two, she has written this book to help others in her predicam... more
The Inside Story on Teen Girls Books
Experts Answer Teens' Questions
So What Is "Normal" Anyway?
The truth is, there is no one single or simple answer to the question "What is normal?" What is "n... more
The International Adoption Handbook Books
A step by step guide to adopting from abroad. Contains good practical tips for getting started, for the home study, for facing money questions, for the waiting.... more
The Invisible String Books
Parents, educators, therapists, and social workers alike have declared The Invisible String the perfect tool for coping with all kinds of separation an... more