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Over Land and Sea
"Driven by love, nourished by hope, and sustained by faith, thousands of families travel over land and sea each year to adopt children internationally. This ti... more
Over the Moon
Delightful story of one couple who eagerly await the birth of the little baby who will become their precious daughter. They fly joyfully to meet her and to brin... more
Pandora’s Hope
"Back in the early Seventies, when adoptees were at all public about wanting to find their birthparents, they were inevitably asked, "Don't you think that would... more
Paper Dolls and Paper Airplanes
Each chapter in "Paper Dolls and Paper Airplanes" is based on a particular treatment issue. Whether carrying out an individual or group program, the therapist ... more
"This publication is a revision and adaptation of Foster Parent Training; A Manual for Parents, published by The Pennsylvania State University, Center for Human... more
Parenting – A Skills Training Manual
All children are different, but all children go through certain stages of growth and development, although not necessarily in exactly the same way or at the sam... more
Parenting Adopted Adolescents
"Your adopted adolescent proclaims, "I can't wait until I turn eighteen so I can leave!" And you celebrate your future liberation."
"If this scenario is too fa... more
Parenting Attachment Challenged Children “Hands-On” Program By Bryant Post
A "Hands-On" Parenting Home Study course.
How to Heal the Attachment Challenged, Angry and Defiant Child
A Radical New Understanding of Difficult Children... more
Parenting from the Inside Out
How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive
In Parenting from the Inside Out, child psychiatrist Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., an... more