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Handbook of Adoption
This is the first book to specifically address the many dimensions of adoption-related issues that can and do affect adoption triad members, specifically in the... more
Handbook of Attachment Interventions
This book provides specific techniques for treating attachment disordered children and their families.
Handbook on Thriving as an Adoptive Family
"For all parents who have expanded their families through adoption -- or are considering it -- this book is designed to equip you for success!"
"Adoptive paren... more
Hands-On Activities for Exceptional Students
"Do you have students in your classroom with mild to severe cognitive delays? Do you often struggle to meet their specific goals within the classroom environme... more
Happy Adoption Day!
This bright, cheerful book shows the joy and love of new parents as they watch their child grow and as they mark each year with a Happy Adoption Day celebration... more
Harmful To Minors
The Perils Of Protecting Children From Sex
"In America we are in the midst of a sexual crisis. We lead the Western world in virtually every sexual problem: tee... more
Healing the Hole in a Heart
"Join me for the euphoria and tears of our first hug while my heart swells to nearly bursting with joy as twenty-one years of pent-up love is unleashed. As a b... more
Hear My Roar
"This book can help children understand that they have a right to live free from violence in their own homes." Rita Smith, NATIONAL COALITION AGAINST DOMESTIC... more
Hearing is Believing
How Words Can Make or Break Our Kids
Many people do not realize how important the words we choose are to the well-being of our children. Kids who grow up aro... more
Heather Has Two Mommies
"Heather's favorite number is two, She has two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, two hands, and two feet. Heather has two pets: a ginger-colored cat named Gin... more