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Lucy and the Sea Monster Books
Lucy and the Sea Monster is a magical adventure story with a difference ---- the difference is that you can take part in the adventure yourself. Throughout the... more
Lucy’s Family Tree Books
When Lucy comes home from grade school with a family tree assignment, she is convinced it is too difficult because she is adopted from Mexico and is not like ev... more
Lulu’s Hat Books
In True Magic Families, only one member of each generation was born with the magician's touch. But Lulu could never be the one in her generation gifted with mag... more
Mad Isn’t Bad Books
"You can be angry---and still be good. After all, everyone gets angry once in a while. That's normal. But what should we do with our anger? Do we have any choic... more
Made in China Videos
A documentary about children born in China.
Maggie Can’t Wait Books
"When Maggie brings a picture of her new, soon-to-be-adopted baby sister to school, she is sure everyone will agree that the baby is beautiful and wonderful and... more
Making a Difference Books
"Among children available for adoption, close to 80% of children in foster care and over 50% of children available through private adoption are born to mothers ... more
Making a New Home In America Books
Leaving the country of one's birth to live in another is never easy. In this book the feelings of four children, new to America, are explored.
Making Choices Books
This book makes a major contribution to a developing literature on interventions for youths & provides practitioners with specific techniques & models for inter... more
Making Cultural Connections Books
This book is written for adoptive or foster families who are caring for African American children or children of African or Caribbean heritage.