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Chasing Rainbows – A Chase For Family Ties
The author grew up in Kansas where she resides today. As an adopted daughter and later in life as a birth mother, she was left with many unanswered questions.... more
Chicken Soup for the Grieving Soul
One of the most difficult aspects of the experience we call "grief" is the sense that we are alone, isolated, separate& This wonderful collection of heart-w... more
Chicken Soup for the Soul — Stories for a Better World
Do you believe that a story can change your life? That it can inspire you to be happier, more confident and more caring? That it can lift your mood, clear y... more
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II — 101 More Stories of Life, Love and Learning
This book is full of teens who share their experiences on learning to accept life, becoming the best person you can be, being happy with who you are, and loving... more
Child Abuse and Neglect
"All Americans can agree that child abuse and neglect must be eliminated. Recent research supports our intuitive sense that individuals victimized as children o... more
Child Protective Services:
This manual examines the roles and responsibilities of child protective services (CPS) workers, who are at th... more
Child Welfare Services Third Edition
This book is a comprehensive study of the principal child welfare services. It is a text that can be used both on the undergraduate as well as the graduate leve... more
Child-Centered Play Therapy
Child-Centered play therapy (CCPT) is a powerful, empirically supported approach that allows children in distress to freely express their feelings and take the ... more
Children Can’t Wait:
"Children can't wait; they can't stop growing up while people whose job it is to help them get their act together. Every day, they are forming their idea of the... more
Children Draw and Tell
Child therapists have long been fascinated by children's human figure drawings and what they reveal about self-image, feelings, and family relationships. The pr... more