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Un beso en mi mano (The Kissing Hand Series) Books
In this contemporary classic Chester Raccoon seeks love and reassurance from his mother as he ventures out into the world to attend his very first day of school... more
Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers Books
If your teenagers are driving you crazy, Michael Riera has the answers. In this revised and updated edition of Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers, vetera... more
Understanding Adoption Books
"The world of adoption has undergone radical change and, for the first time, we have a book that brings together the range, variety, complexity, and impact of a... more
Understanding Children’s Drawings Books
This book is a commonsense guide to using art in therapy that will prove invaluable to all clinicians who see children in their practice. Provides state of the... more
Understanding the Mind of Your Bipolar Child Books
Bipolar disorder is one of the most frequently diagnosed youth mental health diseases. Up to one-third of the 3.4 million children and adolescents with depres... more
Unspoken Grief Books
A brother or sister is often a child's most important contemporary. Yet, the effect of sibling death on the surviving child has received little attention. B... more
Up Close and Personal Videos
In this fascinating one on one interview Dr. Post discusses controversial issues such as stress, medication, and parenting without consequences. Excellent for... more
Violet & Me: A Kinship Adoption Story Books
Violet & Me - A Kinship Adoption Story follows two young siblings doing their best to take care of themselves in their family home with their mother who is ... more
Visiting Day Books
"On Visiting Day, a little girl and her grandmother take the long bus ride upstate to visit her father. On the ride, they share food and hope and give comfort t... more