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The Growth of the Mind
"Stanley Greenspan's compelling book reveals the six fundamental levels that form the architecture of our minds. Progress to these levels depends on a series o... more
The Habit Change Workbook
This book offers proven techniques for eliminating a wide range of unwanted habits -- from nail-biting to overspending, from junk food to procrastination, from ... more
The Handbook for Single Adoptive Parents
This handbook provides information that would be of particular interest to single adoptive parents. It is divided into six chapters the titles of which are: 1. ... more
The Handbook of Group Play Therapy
Here is a comprehensive guide to the most effective and dynamic childhood intervention available to counselors, therapists, teachers, psychologists, and anyone ... more
The Handbook of International Adoption Medicine
Since 1986, nearly 200,000 children from other countries have been adopted by American parents. Every indication suggests that this number will increase in th... more
The Healing Power of Play
This book is an essential resource guide for all mental health professionals who work with abused children.
The Healing Power of the Family
"The Healing Power of the Family" is a tribute to foster and adoptive parents and to their potent influence upon the disturbed children who have joined their fa... more
The Heart Knows Something Different
From the opening pages of this stirring book, readers will feel the shock of recognition that accompanies the first discovery of literary brilliance coming from... more
The Homework Handbook
Practical Advice You Can Use Tonight to Help Your Child Succeed Tomorrow
Every evening, millions of families struggle with homework issues. Homework avoidance,... more
The Hyperactive Child
How do you know if your child or adolescent is hyperactive? Are you hyperactive yourself? What are the symptoms? Is there anything you can do? These are some of... more