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Mom, They’re Teasing Me
Helping Your Child Solve Social Problems
through vividly written case studies and a reader-friendly question-and-answer format, Mom, They're Teasing Me is full... more
Mommies, Daddies, Donors, Surrogates
A developmental and clinical psychologist who's worked with families formed using assisted reproductive technology for more than twenty years ----- Dr. Ehrensaf... more
Mommy Far, Mommy Near
Because Elizabeth was adopted from China, she assumes that all babies come from China. Her mommy explains that babies grow inside their mother and can come from... more
Mommy Why?
"Anna is an inquisitive girl just like any other, but she doesn't realize it yet. Instead, she badgers her patient mother with questions about why she, an Asia... more
Mommy, Did I Grow in Your Tummy?
The task of explaining the various reproductive methods to the most innocent, the children, should be at the forefront of concern. Children benefit from an ope... more
Mommy’s Black Eye
"Domestic violence exists. That is a simple disturbing fact. It isn't something that should be ignored or swept under the rug. It is imperative to face this ... more
Money Still Doesn’t Grow on Trees
A Parent's Guide to Raising Financially Responsible Teenagers and Young Adults
A Teenager and His Money Will Soon Be Parted Unless...Now you can do the seeming... more
More Hot Stuff to Help Kids Chill Out:
"This follow-up to the popular original "Hot Stuff" provides children and adolescents with new ideas to cope with anger and hostility. This book also contains ... more
More Than Love
"MORE THAN LOVE" is a candid account of contrasting emotions---hope and lost hope, joy and despair, perseverance and helplessness---that resulted from parenting... more
Mother, can you hear me?
The extraordinary true story of an adopted daughter's reunion with her birth mother after a separation of fifty years.
All her life Betty Allen, who was adop... more