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Many possible case scenarios of gay parents adopting children are presented. All parts of the country are represented. Gay couples and lesbian couples speak o... more
Tell Me a Real Adoption Story Books
The adopted child in this book is asking for an authentic story, and the adoptive mother responds as best she can. She is receptive to her child's need to add... more
Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born Books
"Tell me again about the night I was born"
"Tell me again how you would adopt me and be my parents"
"Tell me again about the first time you held me in your arms... more
Telling Secrets Books
"The past is alive in the present. Through a creative, ongoing interaction with the past, in the present we can change the future, both personally and collectiv... more
Telling The Truth To Your Adopted Or Foster Child Books
"There is a great need for this book and I feel the authors do a wonderful job of giving clear guidelines and examples that adoptive parents can follow to expla... more
Temperament in Clinical Practice Books
Pioneering researchers in the role of temperament in personality development, Drs. Chess and Thomas helped to reverse the once dominant view that children's beh... more
Ten Days and Nine Nights Books
Ten Thousand Sorrows Books
The extraordinary journey of a Korean war orphan