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Real Parents, Real Children Books
"This book is the 'Dr. Spock' of raising adopted children." --Jerri Jenista, M.D.
Rebecca’s Journey Home Books
Jacob and Gabe can hardly wait for their mother to return from Vietnam. She is bringing home the baby who will become the newest member of the Stein family. T... more
Rebuilding Children’s Lives Books
"Rebuilding Children's Lives, A Blueprint for Treatment Foster Parents" offers an approach to foster parenting that combines compassion with practical, outcome-... more
Recognizing and Managing Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects: Books
"For any parent or professional who needs to work with children with fetal alcohol syndrome/effects (FAS/E), this important guide offers practical advice and so... more
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Relational Child Psychotherapy Books
Child psychotherapists practicing today are faced with the challenge of developing a coherent theory and technique while drawing on a number of diverse traditio... more
Relatives Raising Children Books
The rapid growth of kinship care has caught many child welfare agencies off guard. "Relatives Raising Children: An Overview of Kinship Care" gives professional... more
Relief for Hurting Parents Books
Teenagers are going through the transition from childhood to adulthood, from dependence on parents to independence of parents. It is normal during this time f... more
Residential Treatment Books
This book is a long awaited contribution to the difficult and misunderstood field of residential treatment as an effective form of out of home therapy for the s... more
Resources for Families Adopting Sexually Abused Children Books
"Resources for Families Adopting Sexually Abused Children" gathers information on the wide-ranging resources, many of them national in scope, available to paren... more