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Preparing Adolescents For Life After Foster Care Books
Foster parents are an integral part of the service team and should be encouraged to work as partners with agencies and social workers in preparing adolescents f... more
Preparing for Adolescence Books
"What do you say to an adolescent who's getting ready to enter those turbulent teenage years? Dr. James Dobson, one of America's leading family psychologists, ... more
Preparing Permanency Planning Foster ParentsREVISED SECOND EDITION Books
"As recently as 10-15 years ago, the purpose of foster care was considered to be "substitute care" where a child remained until returned home or placed for adop... more
Promising Practices in Adoption and Foster Care Books
A Comprehensive Guide to Policies and Practices that Welcome, Affirm and Support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Foster and Adoptive Parents
Promoting Positive Parenting Books
"Promoting Positive Parenting: An Attachment-Based Intervention" illuminates the successful implementations of one of the few evidence-based parenting interven... more
Protecting The Gift Books
Keeping Children and Teenagers Safe (and Parents Sane)
* Safety skills for children outside the home
* Warning signs of sexual abuse
* How to screen baby-sit... more
Psychological Issues in Adoption Books
This book is about contemporary adoption, changing attitudes, openness in adoption, beyond adopted/nonadopted comparisons, textbook about adoption research
PTSD in Children and Adolescents Books
A full and complete review of PTSD with up to date information on standardized assessment biological approaches courtroom aspect and long term effect.
Pushing up the Sky Books
In 1987, Terra Trevor and her husband Gary adopted a ten-year-old daughter from South Korea. Her new daughter experienced difficulty adjusting to becoming the ... more
Putting Family First Books
Successful Strategies for Reclaiming Family Life in a Hurry-Up World
More than a time-management manual, putting Family First delves into the issues that lie a... more