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Inside Transracial Adoption Books
Using research, social reality, and personal experience, the authors of "Inside Transracial Adoption" provide creative guidance to prospective parents who are c... more
Insight Into Adoption Books
"Adoption is intended to be, and should be, a fulfilling, beautiful, rewarding, and enriching aspect in anyone's life. Many times, however, there are pitfalls a... more
Interactional Supervision Books
The book is written in a conversational mode and is designed to be easy for students in supervision courses and for new and experienced supervisors. Along with... more
Intercountry Adoption from China Books
Presents results of a detailed examination via the internet, of the post adoptive views, actions, & experiences of families of children from China. Includes dev... more
International Adoption Books
The difficult times, promising moments, and eventual joy of international adoption are all accounted for in this honest and encouraging guide.
International Adoptions Books
"International Adoptions" is the title of this book which is one book in the Opposing Viewpoints Series. There are four chapters in this book. The format is tha... more
Introduction to Filial Therapy Videos
A DVD workshop with Rise VanFleet, Ph.D.,RPT-S --- Dr. Rise VanFleet is the Founder and President of the Family Enhancement & Play Therapy Center, Inc. in Boili... more
Invisible Children Books
"One of life's best gifts comes when we find our passion and purpose. Guardian ad Litem Mike Tikkanen shares his passion of caring about society's Invisible Ch... more
Invisible Children: ROUGH CUT Videos
"In the spring of 2003, three young Americans traveled to Africa in search of such a story. What they found was a tragedy that di... more
Is Adoption for You? Books
All the facts, issues, choices, definitions & concerns that would assist one who is considering adopting a child. Covers all types of adoption, replacing the my... more