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Making a Difference
"Among children available for adoption, close to 80% of children in foster care and over 50% of children available through private adoption are born to mothers ... more
Making a New Home In America
Leaving the country of one's birth to live in another is never easy. In this book the feelings of four children, new to America, are explored.
Making Choices
This book makes a major contribution to a developing literature on interventions for youths & provides practitioners with specific techniques & models for inter... more
Making Cultural Connections
This book is written for adoptive or foster families who are caring for African American children or children of African or Caribbean heritage.
Making Room in Our Hearts
"Adopted persons face challenges their entire lives as they struggle to answer the most basic question: Who am I? The hope of open adoption is that adopted ch... more
Making Room in Our Hearts
Keeping Families Ties through Open Adoption
Adopted persons face challenges their entire lives as they struggle to answer the most basic question: Who am I... more
Making Sense of Adoption
"Children who are adopted have predictable and often unspoken concerns about themselves and how they joined their ... more
"Mamalita" is the story of a woman's fight to bring home her Guatemalan-born daughter, in the face of huge obstacles.
Maps of Narrative Practice
"In this much-anticipated and long-awaited book, Michael White draws on his more than 20 years of clinical and professional experience to present readers with t... more
May the Circle Be Unbroken
"In the 1960s, when she was an unmarried college sophomore, Lynn Franklin gave up her newborn son for adoption. Using her own story as a point of departure, F... more