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What is Adoption?
Has adoption touched your life? Perhaps a family member, your child's classmate, a student or someone else you know has been adopted.
What do you say when a ch... more
What is Adoption?
A book appropriate for children and families connected by adoption. Recommended for ages 6 and up with ages 6-9 being read with an adu... more
What is Foster Care?
A book appropriate for children and families connected by foster care.
Recommended for ages 6 and ... more
What Is Jail, Mommy?
"This book was inspired by a much-loved, five year old whose father has been incarcerated most of her life. One day after visiting with friends who have both de... more
What KIDS Need Most in a DAD
"What Kids Need Most in a Dad" offers practical encouragement for the sacred and difficult privilege of fatherhood. It acknowledges that being a dad is demandin... more
What Kids Really Want That Money Can’t Buy
Tips for Parenting in a Commercial World
At a time when many parents worry that they are raising the "I want"generation, this book offers a helping hand - and ... more
What Kind of Love?
"Dear Diary: My hand was shaking so badly I could hardly read it, but it was pink, pink for positive. What am I going to do? I can't be pregnant. I'm only f... more
What Stories Does My Son Need?
In an annotated list including movies such as High Noon and Glory, and books such as The Giving Tree and To Kill a Mockingbird, therapist and educator Gurian hi... more
What to Do When You Worry Too Much
"What to Do When You Worry Too Much" guides children and parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of anxiety. Livel... more
What’s A Foster Family Anyway?
This book provides a much needed resource in helping children cope with the potentially traumatic experience of placement into foster care. It may help to reduc... more