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Ophelia Speaks Books
"A poignant collection of original pieces selected from more than eight hundred contributions, Ophelia Speaks culls writings from the hearts of girls nationwide... more
Orgullo (Pride) Videos
Orphan Train Rider Books
Discusses the placement of over 200,000 orphaned or abandoned children in homes throughout the Midwest from 1854 to 1929 by recounting the story of one boy and ... more
Orphans Books
"In this rare and beautiful book, Eileen Simpson combines her vivid recollections of growing up as an orphan with an absorbing and compassionate view of the orp... more
Orphans of the Living Books
This book is what Mike Alston, Director of Central Children's Home, Oxford, North Carolina, calls the half-million children swelling this country's foster care... more
Our Baby Books
"Our Baby is the first sex education book for the very young child in an adoption-built family. In a simple, straight-forward manner, Janice Koch has woven the ... more
Our Baby From China Books
With simple texts and loving photographs, this book tells the true story of the adoption of Ariela. Her family travels to China to meet her; they see many wonde... more
Our Child: Preparation for Parenting in Adoption Books
Many couples are fortunate and experience excellent adoption agency home studies as part of their preparation for parenting. Other couples go through home stu... more
Our Chosen Child Books
Our Grandfamily Books
Our Grandfamily is an honest, yet reassuring look at the struggles and joys of living in a skip generation family. Designed as a flip-sided-book, dual stories ... more