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Sometimes I Feel Like I Don’t Have Any Friends (But Not So Much Anymore)
This psychological storybook is designed to be read by an individual child or to stimulate group discussions. In the book, Mark finds that his inability to mak... more
Sometimes It’s Grandmas and Grandpas: Not Mommies and Daddies
Written from a child’s point of view, this touching picture book centers around a nontraditional family of grandparents raising their grandchild.
Sophie Finds Her Family / Sophie Encuentra A Su Familia
Snuggle up and join the adventure, as Sophie searches for a home. From her cold night outside, it seems she will never find a family. Sophie awakens in warm... more
Soul Connection
Soul Connection is about healing through expanded awareness---and about using spiritual alignment to create miracles. In 1966, a young unmarried woman must sur... more
Speranza’s Sweater: A Child’s Journey Through Foster Care and Adoption
Kids deserve a safe place to live and grow and learn. For some kids, this means living with foster or adoptive parents. Speranza’s Sweate... more
Split at the Root: A Memoir of Love and Lost Identity
In this memoir, the author explores questions of race, adoption, and identity, not as the professor of cultural studies she became, but as the Black child of Ge... more
Starting School
"This wonderfully warm and humorous book will put any pre-schooler's jitters to rest, by showing just what going to school is all about. Here is the block tabl... more
State Court Journal Vol.18-No.1 Summer ’94
ADOPTION BY GRANDPARENTS( page 27) by Maurice Foster, Esq. "Adoption by relatives is not a new phenomenon. What is of significance today is that the phenomeno... more
Staying Connected to Your Teenager
How To Keep Them Talking To You And How to Hear What They're Really Saying
Beyond effectiveness, there is another reason to maintain your connection with your ... more
Staying In Control
Anger Management Skills for Parents of Young Adolescents
Adolescence can be a perilous time for many parents and teens------especially young teens. As the ne... more