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Child Welfare Services Third Edition Books
This book is a comprehensive study of the principal child welfare services. It is a text that can be used both on the undergraduate as well as the graduate leve... more
Child-Centered Play Therapy Books
Child-Centered play therapy (CCPT) is a powerful, empirically supported approach that allows children in distress to freely express their feelings and take the ... more
Children Can’t Wait: Books
"Children can't wait; they can't stop growing up while people whose job it is to help them get their act together. Every day, they are forming their idea of the... more
Children Draw and Tell Books
Child therapists have long been fascinated by children's human figure drawings and what they reveal about self-image, feelings, and family relationships. The pr... more
Children of Color Books
Children and adolescents of color are now the fastest growing segment of the youth population in America. The mental health issues of these children are close... more
Children of Intercountry Adoptions In School Books
Children adopted from foreign countries have issues that can place them at high risk for school failure. This book explains those needs and offers guidelines an... more
Children of Open Adoption Books
"What is the effect of open adoption on the children?"
"Two pioneers in the field present important evidence that begins to answer this complicated question. E... more
Children with Prenatal Alcohol and/or Other Drug Exposure: Books
Just as the decision to adopt should be made with thought and care---after considerable reflection, discussion, and gathering of information---the decision to a... more
Children: The Challenge Books
Based on a lifetime of experience with children--their problems, their delights, their challenges--Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs, one of America's foremost child psychiat... more