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The Good Enough Teen Books
Raising Adolescents with Love and Acceptance (Despite How Impossible They Can Be)
The teenage years are often the most challenging and trying phase of life for... more
The Goodbye Boat Books
Saying goodbye to someone you love is always hard. Saying goodbye when someone you love dies is perhaps the hardest thing of all.
This book explores the pain ... more
The Grandfamily Guidebook: Wisdom and Support for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Books
In The Grandfamily Guidebook—which leading medical experts have called a “must-have” resource for grandparents raising grandchildren—authors And... more
The Great Gilly Hopkins Books
Eleven-year-old Gilly Hopkins is famous for being brash, brilliant, and completely unmanageable. None of her foster homes has been able to tame her yet. So when... more
The Greatest Gift Books
"The Greatest Gift" is an exploration of the feelings and issues surrounding adoption. In a compelling, engaging narrative, Betsy Buckley interweaves an accoun... more
The Growth of the Mind Books
"Stanley Greenspan's compelling book reveals the six fundamental levels that form the architecture of our minds. Progress to these levels depends on a series o... more
The Habit Change Workbook Books
This book offers proven techniques for eliminating a wide range of unwanted habits -- from nail-biting to overspending, from junk food to procrastination, from ... more
The Handbook for Single Adoptive Parents Books
This handbook provides information that would be of particular interest to single adoptive parents. It is divided into six chapters the titles of which are: 1. ... more
The Handbook of Group Play Therapy Books
Here is a comprehensive guide to the most effective and dynamic childhood intervention available to counselors, therapists, teachers, psychologists, and anyone ... more
The Handbook of International Adoption Medicine Books
Since 1986, nearly 200,000 children from other countries have been adopted by American parents. Every indication suggests that this number will increase in th... more