Helping Children Understand Their Feelings
“So often children bury or cover their feelings because they are too frightened to describe or share them. Children may fear that others won’t like them because of their feelings or may be critical towards them if their feelings are unusual or different. Adults don’t always know how to react to children’s feelings. Often, adults are still trying to “fix” their own feelings. Consequently, they don’t know how to deal openly with children’s feelings when these feelings are threatening to their own sense of security. Ironically, most children just want someone to listen quietly to them.”
“Helping Children Understand Their Feelings was written to help young children openly communicate their inner feelings. This book was also intended to help adults become better listeners and share with children the notion that all feelings are okay–even feelings that are considered “bad” by others.
Status: Available on backorder
Number of Pages: 64
Published: 1993
Publisher: Fearon Teacher Aids
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 0866539263
ID#: 459
DC#: 362.73 P
Available on backorder