Adoption & Ethics Vol.1
There are many unresolved questions related to the role of race, culture, and national origin in an adoptee’s personal identity and the extent to which racial and cultural similarities and differences between adoptive parents and children should be taken into account. These questions are at the forefront of the policy debate as a result of changes in federal law and a dramatic increase in the number of international adoptions. This volume provides a synthesis of current research, literature, and legislation in three primary areas: transracial adoptions, adoptions of American Indian children, and international adoptions.
This is the first tile in a series of adoption and ethics developed by the Evan B. Donaldson Institute on Adoption and designed to provide an overview of the current knowledge base on key adoption policy and practice issues.
Status: Available on backorder
Format: Softcover
ISBN: 0878687971
ID#: 374
DC#: 362.73 Fr
Available on backorder