Brain-First Parenting Approach to Parenting July 18, 2024
Fee: $15.00
Neuroscience research teaches us that there are environmental factors, teratogens, and other pre or post-natal toxic stress such as trauma, alcohol exposure and drug exposure that can impact the developing brain. Our experience also tells us that many children who have been impacted in such ways struggle behaviorally. Why is this, exactly? Additionally, why do the standard, commonly accepted parenting techniques fail when applied to these children? And, most importantly, what can parents and providers do to support these children differently (and more successfully)?
Eileen’s training will provide information on how to support children who struggle with neurobehavioral challenges from a brain first lens; focusing on the behavioral symptoms that are a direct result of brain differences and some strategies parents and caregivers can use to help their children and loved ones experience less distress and calmer in their environments.
07/18/2024 | 01:00 pm |
07/18/2024 | 02:30 pm |